I had to laugh reading this because it's beautifully written and hilarious. And also, I've been there. Traveling with toddlers is an extreme sport. My kids are a bit older now (my youngest is turning 5 this summer) and there are still challenges, but they've shifted into other issues (like complaining about a money limit in a store or getting overly tired but refusing to sleep).

Actually, I had a weird travel experience on the plane here. A woman complimented me on how well behaved my kids were on the plane while complaining about a crying child on their previous flight. It honestly felt gross. Because I've also been that mom with a screaming, inconsolable child trying so hard to keep it together. My kids have traveled a lot. They know how to behave on planes (ie not screaming loudly because they are mad about something). Airports are a different matter but we're working on not running in circles in the waiting area and inadvertently stepping on people's feet/tripping over bags/getting in people's personal space. Honestly I don't mind them doing that so long as they don't get in anyone's way.

Anyway, I give most parents a lot of grace during travel because it's not easy and a lot of things aren't within our control when our kids are small.

And thanks for mentioning my essay 💜

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Extreme sport is exactly right! I love your reminders about how the challenges just take on new forms as they get older. I have a wholeeeee new appreciation for the parents of that crying child!! Those kids are usually crying the way adults would like to express themselves when we're hot, tired, claustrophobic, delayed, hungry, and all of those fun travel feelings. So glad that we've connected on here!

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Spot on Ashley, spot on. Wonderful read.

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Oh thank you!! 💕🌸

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Hi Ashley, your post made me laugh so much! I found bits of it really relatable too. We flew with both of them last year when they were 18 months and 3.5 years old, and the screen certainly did the trick with the older one! Now, it should be a breeze as they're both into cartoons (and tons of snacks!). Thank you for mentioning my post here.🩷

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So glad you could laugh and relate 😂💕snacks, snacks, snacks! For children and adults!

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