There are two types of moms in this world: Peloton moms and non-Peloton moms. You can spot a Peloton mom from a mile away, checking her Apple watch with a little extra bounce in her step. #PelotonMoms use words like “low-impact” and “HIIT” and “intense.” They drink trendy water from their trendy Stanley tumbler in their trendy lululemons, and they’re on a first-name basis with their instructors, Ally and Jess and Robin.
This isn’t me. I’m a non-Peloton mom, but don’t hear me wrong, I would love to drop two grand on a magical bike that transports me to another place in a new body. I mean, these people are legit friends. My doctor told me she got a fiction book recommendation from her Peloton and I can’t even wrap my head around how a bike has that power. My husband fears it will collect dust in the corner, staring us down and holding a grudge for all the missed miles.
All jokes aside, there’s a lot of connection and accountability on the Peloton platform that serves moms really well in a busy season. I know plenty of moms who are either all-in to the Peloton lifestyle, or they sprinkle it into their regular workouts.
I started working out again consistently during the Great Dumbbell Shortage of 2020. Over the course of several months, I went from dreading a 20-minute circuit to craving multiple hours spent lifting weights and stretching while watching whatever repeat show I was binging at the time. (I regularly cycle between Parenthood, Friday Night Lights, and Gilmore Girls.) I ate healthy food, I felt strong, I let my body heal, and I got pregnant. Even then, I kept working out most of my pregnancy in safe ways that felt good for me.
And then I became a mom.
A c-section mom with extreme pre-eclampsia swelling. A tired mom to a 20-minute cat napper son who loved a good contact nap for many months. A work-at-home mom trying to squeeze in Zoom calls and deadlines in between feedings.
A curious mom looking for real-life examples from all types of active moms who are actually making it happen.
My friend Cara is a fitness trainer who specializes in pre/postnatal training. Her workouts inspired me to get moving again in 2020. She’s a mom of 4 who has built an online community for anyone looking for positive motivation to make fitness a lifestyle. You’ll regularly see her working out with a baby strapped to her or bouncing next to her as she’s squatting. For in-person workouts, she’s exactly the same, comforting her daughter while finishing out leading our bootcamp class in inner core burnouts.
“Instead of making them your excuse, let them be your reason. Lead them by example. Show them an active but FUN lifestyle. Teach them strength rather than complacency.” -Cara Altieri, Conditioned by Cara
Cara doesn’t preach the “work out while the baby naps” kind of fitness. Some days, this might happen, but other days with cat nappers, this isn’t possible. She encourages moms to work out while your kids are watching. Show them what it looks like to focus on your health and strength, while encouraging them to stay active too. Her family hikes and bikes together, and she reminds everyone to plan for active rest days to recover. Consistency is key for her mental and physical health.
Today, I’m in a fitness rut because of some physical setbacks that have required a lot of rest and little movement. It 100% changes my mood and my energy levels. I’m eager to move my body again and feel those rush of endorphins.
When do you find time and space to work out? Do you go on long stroller walks at the park? Are you signed up for a group fitness class with other moms? Burning calories chasing around a wobbly and curious toddler?
Types of workout moms:
The 5am yoga & meditation mom
The cycle while the baby naps (or is strapped to my back) mom
The take the baby I’m going for a run when my husband gets home mom
The monkey bars with my kids at the park mom
The tend the garden mom
The walk to clear my head mom
The stroller gang mom
The none of the above mom
The make it through the day, sneak cookies in the pantry mom
Give these a try…
Meet Cara, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and AFPA Prenatal & Postnatal Fitness Specialist. Cara is a busy mom of 4 who helps other moms build a lifestyle of fitness. She shares a ton of free workouts on Instagram, in addition to her structured programs that you can purchase on her website. I’ve personally worked through Summer Strong and Fall Foundations (admittedly pre-kid, so I’m still figuring out the whole juggle of working out as a mom). I’ve known Cara for a longgg time and she’s just a wonderful person who will inspire and motivate you.
I’ve never personally tried these classes, but I’ve heard a lot of great things about the FIT4MOM groups. You can bring your baby in your stroller and meet other moms in your area.
Try these resistance bands for a super portable addition to your workout that you can use even while you’re playing on the floor with your kids. (Cara can help you with easy ways to incorporate these bands.)
“You won’t have to start if you never stop.
There’s one thing that has absolutely changed my life. & that’s c o n s i s t e n c y .
There was a time in my life when working out was a punishment. A punishment for what I consumed. A punishment for not being a certain body type (that I no longer crave 🙏🏻).
When I began to see fitness as a positive outlet, a tool to better my health, a way to become stronger both physically & mentally, THAT’S when it became second nature. When it became part of my day. When it became consistent.
With every new phase of life my goals may change but one thing remains: I get movement in. I get it in because it helps my mental health. Because it shows my children focusing on your health is important. Because I know it’s the way to a healthy life.
So when I’m on vacation I’ll be getting some workouts in. When I’m pregnant I’m not skipping a leg day. On a rest day I’m still being active with my kids. Because to stay on the path I’m on I need consistency. Then I never have to start over.”-Cara, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and AFPA Prenatal & Postnatal Fitness Specialist, Conditioned by Cara