What happens if my child eats [fill-in-the-blank]?
Friday's late night Search History Confessions
How much pool water can my child drink?
(Maybe don’t join me in googling this one. Chlorine poisoning and secondary drowning?)
What happens if my child eats wood chips?
(Our first taste of the outdoor mud kitchen at the nature center. The mothering forums are filled with questions: “My baby may have eaten a wood chip. Help?”)
…when does the eating everything phase end?
(How do I keep my child safe from everything forever and ever?)
Your turn: what’s your Search History Confession tonight?
On Fridays, Stuff Moms Google hosts Search History Confessions. Even with access to a million “answers” to our mothering woes, those bleary-eyed searches can feel lonely and weird and anxiety provoking. Share your funny (and not-so-funny) searches here so we can rally around you with laughter and hugs.